The main feature this month is "The 2nd Robot Character Tournament" — featuring the winners and entries to the Hobby Japan Robot Plastic Model Competition! There're also special features on the brand new MG Eclipse Gundam, as well as the upcoming Kyokai Senki series! Plus of course hundreds of pages of other news, features and articles you'll love!
Get yours now!
Hobby Japan is a monthly Japanese magazine focused on model kit building and customising and has been in publication since 1969! It is one of the most well known and recognised magazines amongst Japanese model kits enthusiasts. It is packed full of news, latest release information, features and articles every month!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
果たして最優秀作品に選ばれるのはどの作品か? もちろん応募作品はすべて掲載となりますので、お楽しみに!