Courage now, truth always, Batman... Forever.
— Movie Tagline —
Facing the multicoloured dangers of the playful villain Two-Face in the night of Gotham City, with easy solutions, fantastic vehicles, and little to no discreet gadgets, Batman also faces his former employee and crazy inventor Edward Nygma, that created a device that connects the TVs to the brains of Gotham's citizens.
Rejected and disappointed, the egocentric Edward becomes the fussy Riddler and joins Two-Face to discover Batman's identity and defeat him. To help the bat, a young orphan trapeze artist and circus acrobat called Dick Grayson, is welcomed by Bruce in his mansion after his family was a victim of Two-Face, but after some rebel shenanigans, he becomes his partner known as Robin.
Bringing a miniature Batmobile in one of his hands and a miniature Batboat in the other, the rebellious Boy Wonder tries to decide which one of them will take him faster to face Gotham's villains before Batman realizes he's gone.
Ready for action with his new colourful red, green, and yellow costume with details in black, over a pedestal of the metallic floor of a platform in the Batcave, Iron Studios present their Toy Art version in the statue "Robin - Batman Forever - MiniCo", with the Batman's audacious young partner in his memorable cinematographic version from 1995.
Size: 14 x 9 x 8 cm
This is a painted【Fixed-Pose Figure / Statuette】.