In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the "Macross" anime series, Bandai is launching a new Macross plastic model series in HG, with the first model being the YF-19 variable fighter!
The YF-19 features a new "Shortcut Change" system, which was created after re-examining transformation, form, and movement.
The new system incorporates part replacements to simplify the transformation sequence, allowing for easy transformation between Battroid, Gerwalk, and Fighter mode.
The "shortcut change" system allows the figure to be sculpted in accordance with each form, without being influenced by the constraints of the transformation process. By eliminating the complex structure, a movable area is provided in the body, achieving a new dimension of movable performance never seen before.
Polarized moulding is used for the canopy, allowing the user to enjoy the changing colours of the canopy as it is exposed to light.
Includes effect parts to recreate the "Pinpoint Barrier Punch".
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.