As seen in "Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Phantom Bullets," the prequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam 0083," the Gundam Prototype 0 Blossom joins the "Robot Damashii Ver. A.N.I.M.E." action-figure lineup from Bandai!
This figure accurately reproduces the Blossom's distinctive proportions and has a wide range of motion and lots of equipment. It's equipped with a long-range beam rifle, a beam gun that doubles as a beam sabre, and a radome (MPIWS). Its various equipment can be removed if you prefer. The long-range beam rifle can be deployed to the front, and the shoulder beam gun can be removed and equipped as a beam sabre; two types of beam sabre effects are included. You can also reproduce the Core II with parts replacement! Order yours today!
This is a posable【Action Figure】with articulated joints.