The X-200 series Blitz Gundam from "Gundam Seed", piloted by Nicole Amalfi and equipped with various special weapons, appears in Bandai's "Robot Damashii Ver. A.N.I.M.E." series!
The Blitz Gundam specializes in blitzkrieg battles with high mobility. Its characteristic silhouette is carefully modeled; the thruster nozzles and Mirage colloid ducts on the back are carefully color-coded to match its appearance in the anime. This figure is also highly posable. The Trikeros attack shield system equipped on its right arm is equipped with a rifle, saber and lancer dart on the back of the shield; the lancer dart is detachable. A blade made of clear parts can be attached to the beam saber unit. The piercer rock Gleipnir equipped on the left arm can reproduce the injection scene with wire and a vernier effect (Damashii Stage Act Mechanics items are sold separately). The opening and closing of the claw can be reproduced with replacement parts. This figure also takes advantage of the posability cultivated in the "Ver. A.N.I.M.E." series, such as the left and right chest blocks that are linked with the shoulders, the waist that bends and twists, the sliding hip joints, and the left and right swinging action below the knees. It also comes with a set of parts to reproduce the ending of the battle between the Blitz and the Sword Strike in the 29th episode of the "Gundam Seed" TV series, "Sadame no Wedge." Order it for your own collection today!
This is a posable【Action Figure】with articulated joints.