The special feature is Mobile Suit Gundam F90! Originally launched as a pre-project for the 1991 movie Mobile Suit Gundam F91, this series was revived in 2019 as the 'F90 A to Z PROJECT,' centered around the Master Grade series. Various mission packs, whose details were previously unknown, are now being released one after another as Gunpla kits. This book will provide detailed explanations of these mission packs, both in terms of their settings and Gunpla model examples, over the course of Vol. 14 and Vol. 15. Additionally, the opening topic will introduce the latest Gundam works and the newest Gunpla releases.
Plus of course, tons of other news, features and articles you'll love!
Order your copy today!
"Gundam Forward" is a quarterly magazine packed full of the latest news and information on everything Gundam and Gunpla, introducing readers to the frontlines of the Gundam franchise! This includes articles on the Gunpla releases, Gunpla techniques by professional modellers.
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese
「F90 A to Z PROJECT」の魅力に迫る!!
特集は『機動戦士ガンダムF90』! 1991年公開の映画『機動戦士ガンダムF91』のプレ企画として展開した本作が、2019年よりマスターグレードシリーズを主軸として展開する「F90 A to Z PROJECT」として再始動! これまで詳細が不明だったミッションパックが次々とガンプラでリリースされています。本書ではVol.14とVol.15の2号にわたって、これらミッションパックを設定とガンプラ作例で詳しく解説していきます。また、巻頭トピックでは、最新ガンダム作品や最新ガンプラを紹介します。