I've been waiting for this moment! Celebrating 30 years of Crossbone Gundam!
30 years since the serialization began in 1994 (Shonen Ace). The long-awaited commemorative new serialization, "Crossbone Gundam Zero Liberator," has started! Plus, there are plenty of other celebratory events!
All this and more — order yours today!
Gundam Ace (ガンダムエース) or Gundam A is your monthly Magazine focusing entirely on the Gundam universe! Each issue is packed with hundreds of pages of fantastic contents including news, articles, reviews, and Gundam manga!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
ガンダムエース 2024年12月号 No.268
この瞬間を待っていたんだーっ! 祝・クロスボーンガンダム30周年!
1994年の連載開始(少年エース)より30年。待望の記念新連載『クロスボーン・ガンダム ゼーロイバー』がスタート! そのほか記念企画も盛りだくさん!